We’ve gone on about the environmental upshots of boxed wine, and there are plenty of thorougharticles about that. And of course we needn’t even mention that the quality has come a very long way, so you can remove the shame from your box wine game. But it may also surprise you to learn that box wine is kind of okay to bring to the park or the beach! While it’s still technically illegal to drink outside in NYC (with the two exceptions being outdoor resto seating and, oddly, block parties), back in 2016 the city council passed legislation reducing the charge to a civil court summons, and civil tickets of $25 being the standard penalty. And if the police are patrolling the parks and beaches, they’re likely to look the other way. I can add anecdotally that I once saw police issue tickets to a blanketful of picnickers sipping from beer bottles (if they break, they’re dangerous to the barefooted) and then give a friendly wave to another group hoisting a box in the air and long-pouring rosé into their plastic cups below. This isn’t to urge you to break the law. But if you must, bring box.